ISBN 978-1-62130-851-5 (paperback), $69.95
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Summer 2025
Handbook on Medical Student
Assessment and Evaluation
second edition - by the
Alliance for Clinical Education,
edited by Louis N. Pangaro, M.D.
and William C. McGaghie, Ph.D.
The Alliance for Clinical Education (ACE) is
proud to publish an updated and enlarged
edition of the Handbook on Medical Student
Assessment and Evaluation. This new edition
provides practical guidance on several key topics,
including equity, longitudinal assessment, and
technology in evaluation.
The Handbook covers many different methods,
such as feedback from standardized patients,
traditional and non-traditional examination
formats, and direct observation of clinical skills.
In 25 chapters written by recognized experts
from a wide range of medical and surgical
specialties, it offers a thorough and
interdisciplinary approach to medical
student assessment and evaluation.
This essential resource promotes excellence in
medical education, ensuring the competence and
readiness of future physicians. With evidence-based
guidance and expert insights, it is a must-have for
course directors, clerkship directors, academic
leaders, and in-the-trenches faculty.