ISBN 978-1-62130-700-6 (PDF e-book), $2.95 |
Ruminations: Selected Philosophical, Historical, and Ideological Papers, Volume 1, Part 1: The Infinite by Eric v.d. Luft Contents: I. Circles: Cartesian and Hegelian I.1. "The Cartesian Circle: Hegelian Logic to the Rescue" I.2. "'Who's That in Your Saddle?' - A Hegelian Interpretation of Wagner's Ring" II. Pathways to and from Hegel II.1. "Five Undergraduate-Level Introductions to Hegel: A Comparative Review" II.2. "An Early Interpretation of Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit" II.3. "Travelling in Denmark with a Small Map of Europe: The Importance of Subjectivity in Hegel's Thought" II.4. "Commentary on 'The Historical Dialectic of Spirit: Jacob Boehme's Influence on Hegel' by David Walsh" II.5. "A Letter Concerning Kenley Dove's 'Hegel and Creativity'" III. Hegel and Religion III.1. "The Theological Significance of Hegel's Four World-Historical Realms" III.2. "The Place of the 'Hinrichs Foreword' Within the System of Hegel's Philosophy of Religion" III.3. "Review Article: The Unfolding of Hegel's Berlin Philosophy of Religion, 1821-1831" III.4. "Hegel and Judaism: A Reassessment" III.5. "Review: Yirmiyahu Yovel, Dark Riddle: Hegel, Nietzsche, and the Jews" III.6. "Would Hegel Have Liked to Burn Down All the Churches and Replace Them with Philosophical Academies?" IV. Philosophy of Religion IV.1. "The Empirical Version of the Ontological Argument and the A Priori Version of the Cosmological Argument" IV.2. "Toward a Definition of Religion as Philosophy" IV.3. "Reason Judging Religion: Hume or Hegel?" IV.4. "What is Living and What is Dead in (the Spirit of) Christianity" IV.5. "Review: James C.S. Wernham, James's Will-to-Believe Doctrine: A Heretical View" IV.6. "The Nonsense of Atheism: A Reply to Professor Davis" V. A Debate about Hartshorne V.1. "Review: Donald Wayne Viney, Charles Hartshorne and the Existence of God" V.2. "In Defense of the Global Argument: A Reply to Professor Luft" (by Donald Wayne Viney) V.3. "On the Nature of Multiple Arguments for the Reality of God: A Counterreply to Professor Viney" VI. "Cool Reflexion" on Hume VI.1. "Hume's Epistemological Purpose in 'Of Miracles'" VI.2. "Toward a Hum(e)an Bioethics" VI.3. "Simplicity and Complexity in Hume's Theory of Perception" VI.4. "Hegel's Inadequate Reading of Hume" VII. Heidegger and Hegel, Heidegger and Gadamer, Heidegger and Nietzsche VII.1. "Commentary on 'Hegel and Heidegger' by Robert R. Williams" VII.2. "Review: Karin de Boer, Thinking in the Light of Time: Heidegger's Encounter with Hegel" VII.3. "Commentary on 'Heidegger's Hermeneutic Path' by Lawrence K. Schmidt" VII.4. "Sources of Nietzsche's 'God is Dead!' and its Meaning for Heidegger" VIII. Philosophy of Philosophy VIII.1. "Disputes and Quarrels as Philosophical Devices: Conceits, Contrivances, or Concepts?" VIII.2. "Review: Paul S. Miklowitz, Metaphysics and Metafictions: Hegel, Nietzsche, and the End of Philosophy" VIII.3. "Review: Aristotle, Nicomachean Ethics, translated by Terence Irwin" VIII.4. "Schopenhauer as Self-Critic" IX. Cassirer's Symbolic World IX.1. "Cassirer's Dialectic of the Mythical Consciousness" IX.2. "Review: Thora Ilin Bayer, Cassirer's Metaphysics of Symbolic Forms: A Philosophical Commentary, with an Introductory Essay by Donald Phillip Verene" IX.3. "Review: S.G. Lofts, Ernst Cassirer: A 'Repetition' of Modernity, foreword by John Michael Krois" X. Medieval Iceland, Amor Fati, and Visions of the Future X.1. "Dialectics and Destiny: A Look at Predetermination in Nj l's Saga" X.2. "Dostoevskii's Specific Influence on Nietzsche's Preface to Daybreak" (with Douglas G. Stenberg) X.3. "Review: Friedrich Nietzsche, Daybreak: Thoughts on the Prejudices of Morality, translated by R.J. Hollingdale, with an introduction by Michael Tanner" |